Aspects of the Economics of an Ageing Population
A March 2003 joint response from WBG & Fawcett Society to the House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs Call for Evidence.
Blog Post
In her feminist analysis of neoliberalism & austerity policies, Pearson argues that women are increasingly treated as expandable & costless resources.
WBG Management Committee member Ruth Pearson has produced a feminist analysis of neoliberalism and austerity policies in the UK for the journal Soundings. In which she argues that women are increasingly treated as an expandable and costless resource that can absorb all the extra work that results from cuts to the resources that sustain life.
There is considerable debate on the defining features of neoliberal thought and practice. However, there does appear to be a consensus on the fact that it emphasises minimum state intervention and the extension of market relations into all aspects of economic activity. The resulting withdrawal of the state from responsibility for the economic security of its citizens clearly has an impact on social security and public services; and it also has the effect of transferring risk from the collective to the individual. And, given the ways in which markets and economic relations are gendered, it is women who are bearing the brunt of these policies.
UK governments since 2010 have translated the notion of reducing state intervention not only as deregulation, but also as the elimination of the notional annual budget deficit, and a reduction of the accumulated debt-to-GDP ratio. This is their justification for the draconian austerity measures they have introduced. However, the government’s enthusiasm for pursuing these targets by cutting public expenditure rather than increasing tax and other government revenues reveals the neoliberal ideology behind these policies.
This article demonstrates that the ways in which these fiscal targets have been designed and implemented have disproportionately affected women, particularly low-income and BAME women. It also makes the case for investment in the social infrastructure as an engine of sustainable economic growth, and argues against a focus solely on investment in physical infrastructure and the creation of paid employment.
You can read the article in full, for free, via the Soundings website, or you view and download the article here.
A March 2003 joint response from WBG & Fawcett Society to the House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs Call for Evidence.
Join Rebecca Omonira-Oyekanmi in discussion with policy experts, on what a gender-equal economy with wellbeing at its core might look like.
The WBG and Scottish WBG launched Plan F, a feminist economic strategy for a caring and sustainable economy.
A 2017 report by WBG for the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and UN Women.