Covid-19 and Economic Challenges for Young Women
A policy briefing from the Young Women’s Trust and Women’s Budget Group on Covid-19 and Economic Challenges for Young Women.
Press Release
New data shows that childcare costs between a fifth and a quarter of women’s salaries.
Mothers in England are facing a childcare crisis as the Covid-19 lockdown lifts and people return to work.
The research undertaken by Women’s Budget Group is part of a more in- depth report that provides the first ever analysis on the impact of the lockdown on women in a particular city.
The report, Covid- 19 report- The Impact on Women in Coventry, published by the Women’s Budget Group and Coventry Women’s Partnership warns that:
As a result, the report warns of a two-tier recovery, with many women unable to return to work because of lack of childcare and high cost for those places that are available.
For many families across England who stays at home to care will be an economic decision based on earnings. Mothers have been disproportionately hit when it comes to employment, having lost their jobs, hours and been furloughed at a higher rate than men.
The report recommends immediate action Government should take:
Dr Sara Reis, Head of Research and Policy at WBG and author of the report said:
“Government plans to get the workforce back to work have failed to consider the caring responsibilities that women have which risks reversing the decades of progress made to increase gender equality in the workplace. Although this report is looking at the experiences of women in Coventry their concerns echo what many women and women’s organisations have been saying across the country. The government cannot expect people to return to work without providing the care structures for parents and people caring for frail relatives.
Women have absorbed the extra responsibilities that school closures and the pandemic have brought and so a government response that fails to take care provision seriously risks leaving women behind.
A care-led response, investing in the social and childcare sector, is good for employment, good for the economy, good for the environment and good for gender equality.”
Anna Johnston, Researcher at WBG and author of the report said:
“This report provides a detailed study of the experiences of women in one city across healthcare, employment, social security, education, childcare and within the women’s sector. It shines a light on the colliding crises many women are facing, as well as a broad spectrum of impacts on different groups of women. As the country opens up following lockdown, the government must recognise the gendered effects of the crisis, and prioritise a care led recovery.”
Faye Pettitt, Coventry Women’s Partnership (CovWP) Connector said:
“Covid-19 has had a huge impact on women we’re supporting across the city, including newly arrived, migrant and BAME women. Women have experienced deterioration of mental health, increased risk to physical health, increased risk of domestic abuse, financial insecurity and an increase in food poverty, lack of appropriate information and guidance, and huge pressures in child care and parenting. Partners across Coventry Women’s Partnership continue to work resourcefully to fully support women and expect an increase in demand for services as we move out of lockdown restrictions. CovWP welcomes the recommendations set out in this report and urges the opportunity to build back better and not return to ‘normal’, as the ‘normal’ perpetuates gender inequalities that the crisis evidently exacerbated.”
Thaira Mhearban: / 07366 58951/ Communications Officer
Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson: / 07957 338582/ Director
Further reading: For a comprehensive analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on women’s economic position check out the latest WBG research here.
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About Women’s Budget Group
The Women’s Budget Group (WBG) is an independent network of leading academic researchers, policy experts and campaigners. Our vision is of a caring economy that promotes equality between women and men.
About Coventry Women’s Partnership
Coventry Women’s Partnership is a unique 3-year project, led by Foleshill Women’s Training – A Centre for women, which has been created with 5 organisations in Coventry to ensure women in the city feel supported, empowered and believed. They want to break down barriers in access to crucial services, and to make support easier. The partnership includes Coventry Haven Women’s Aid, Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC), Central England Law Centre Coventry and Kairos WWT.
A policy briefing from the Young Women’s Trust and Women’s Budget Group on Covid-19 and Economic Challenges for Young Women.
The pandemic is continuing to amplify disadvantages experienced by disabled parents and the Government must take decisive action to tackle this.
Submission to the Women and Equalities Select Committee inquiry on the impact of Covid-19 on groups with protected characteristics.
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