Osborne’s recovery is an illusion, women still feel the pinch
Osborne's Autumn Financial Statement neglects women's struggles, lacks social service investment, exacerbates income inequality.
Press Release
The report explores the links between Violence Against Women/ Girls & the social security system across England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland.
Social security systems across the UK are failing survivors of violence and abuse when they need help the most according to a new report launched by the Women’s Budget Group, Surviving Economic Abuse and End Violence Against Women Coalition.
The report, Benefits or barriers? Making social security work for survivors of violence and abuse across the UK’s four nations, explores the links between Violence Against Women and Girls and the social security system across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Read the full report here. The report concludes that:
Social security is letting down women who are living with an abusive partner.
Social security is letting down women when they try to leave
Social security is letting down women when they are trying to build a new life
There are differences in social security policies and VAWG strategies across the four nations of the UK, meaning that women in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have different experiences.
Women in Northern Ireland are particularly disadvantaged as their rights and protections are lower than elsewhere in the UK, there is no publicly funded childcare provision and abortion is illegal. In addition, there is a legal obligation in Northern Ireland to report a criminal offence leading to concerns from survivors about confidentiality if they disclose abuse to DWP staff.
The Women’s Budget Group is calling on the Government to take urgent action to ensure that women’s rights are equally protected across all four nations of the UK
Women’s Budget Group Director Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson said:
“Social security should provide a safety net but too many survivors of violence and abuse are being let down when they need help most. Women, particularly poor women, black and minority ethnic (BME) women and disabled women have borne the brunt of cuts to social security since 2010. These cuts, along with cuts to specialist services, are undermining the Government’s commitments to tackling violence and abuse against women.”
Surviving Economic Abuse Director Dr Nicola Sharps Jeff said:
“Women’s physical safety is linked to their ability to access economic resources including an independent income and housing. This report reveals that the current system sets the scene for domestic abuse; in fact, paying joint claims of Universal Credit into one bank account actually facilitates it. Government has a duty to close down such loopholes. Failing to do so is contrary to the spirit of recognising economic abuse within the statutory definition of domestic abuse included in the draft bill.”
End Violence Against Women Coalition Co- Director Rachel Krys said:
“This report should serve as a wakeup call to government that women can be put at serious risk of harm by changes to the benefits system and other policies. There is a violence against women and girls strategy but it is clear that the Department for Work and Pensions doesn’t have this in mind when making decisions which are critical to women’s lives and safety. It is clear there needs to be an overhaul and radical re-design of the way in which our society supports women, particularly those experiencing abuse and made even more vulnerable due to their immigration status and having no recourse to public funds.”
The report will be launched in London. Find out how to book your free place here
Women’s Budget Group
Thaira Mhearban: thaira.mhearban@wbg.org.uk / 07838 222067/ Communications Officer
Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson: maryann.stephenson@wbg.org.uk / 07957 338582/ Director
Surviving Economic Abuse
Georgia Powell: georgia.powell@survivingeconomicabuse.org / 07833 162714/ Communications Officer
End Violence Against Women
Rebecca Hitchen: rebecca.hitchen@evaw.org.uk / 07960 744 502/ Campaigns Manager
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