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Intersecting Inequalities

A new report from WBG and the Runnymede Trust looks at the impact of austerity on BME women

Theresa May has said her racial equality audit, published today,  will “hold up a mirror” to British society and “reveal uncomfortable truths.” A new report by the Runnymede Trust and the Women’s Budget Group, does just that.

The report, Intersecting Inequalities: the impact of austerity on BME women, shows that as a result of tax and benefit changes and lost services since 2010, by 2020:

● The poorest families will lose the most; with an average drop in living standards of around 17%
● Black and Asian households with the lowest fifth of incomes will experience the biggest average drop in living standards of 19.2% and 20.1%, respectively. This equates to a real-terms average annual loss in living standards of £8,407 and £11,678.
● Lone mothers (who represent 92% of lone parents) will experience an average drop in living standards of 18% (£8,790).

The findings are further evidence of the “burning injustice of inequality” that Theresa May pledged to fight. In 2010 she warned that austerity might impact hardest on women and BME communities. She has been proven right. The challenge now is to take action.

For more information about the project and to read the report see our microsite:

You can also download the Executive Summary here: 

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