Briefing: Social Care and Covid-19
This briefing sets out key issues confronting residential, domiciliary and unpaid care sectors in the midst of Covid-19.
Press Release
Leading women’s organizations unite, urging PM to address pandemic-exposed gender inequalities. Ten-point plan seeks fairer recovery for all women.
As COVID restrictions lift and we look to the future, leading women’s organisations have joined forces to call upon the Prime Minister and his government to tackle deep-rooted gender inequalities in our society and to address gaps that have been widened by the pandemic.
The Fawcett Society, Imkaan, Maternity Action, Women’s Aid, Women’s Budget Group, WEN Wales and the Young Women’s Trust are calling on the government to ‘build back fairer’ for all women and girls, so we can emerge from the pandemic with a stronger and fairer society for everyone.
The coalition has identified ten priority areas that must be urgently tackled to ensure inequalities aren’t further embedded in society and has produced a report outlining the risks and opportunities that lie ahead.
Felicia Willow, Fawcett Society Chief Executive said: “Living through the pandemic has been difficult for everyone, disadvantage gaps have widened and people have struggled in so many ways. As we begin to look towards a recovery, this is a real opportunity for our government to tackle deep-seated gender inequalities. Our Prime Minister has claimed on multiple occasions to be a feminist – we now need him to show us a genuine commitment to improving gender equality across the UK.”
To ensure we ‘build back fairer’ the report calls for:
We know that inequalities have been made worse by the pandemic – women have borne the brunt of job losses, caring responsibilities and the impact on
mental health has been unprecedented.
Mary-Ann Stephenson, Director of the Women’s Budget Group: “As we emerge from a pandemic that took a heavy toll on women as key workers, carers, mothers and educators, the Government’s plans to ‘build back better’ should put women and traditionally feminized sectors such as social and child care at its core. Economic recovery won’t happen if half the population is ignored. Women are disproportionately at the lower end of the income scale and they will be harder hit by plans to cut UC and lift other support measures in the Autumn.”
Care-led recovery:
Modern future of work
Pregnancy and maternity discrimination
Flexible working for all
Safe, secure and properly paid work
A commitment to tackle male violence against women and girls
Improved access to basic support for all women
A safety net that works for women and their children
Women are equally represented in the UK’s national and local governments
Ros Bragg, Director of Maternity Action said:
“We know that women have been disproportionately affected by the fallout of the pandemic. Maternity discrimination at work has increased sharply, and the burden of childcare has fallen predominantly on women’s shoulders during lockdowns. “If the government is serious about ‘levelling up’, it needs to act immediately to strengthen the laws around maternity discrimination, as well as ensuring that all parents have access to affordable, high-quality childcare.”
Baljit Banga Executive Director of Imkaan said:
“Build Back Better does not mean business as usual. It does mean putting the lived experiences and material realities of women at the centre of policy and decision making. Critical to this process is the equal representation of Black minoritised women – nothing without us, without us. With this inclusion, Build Back Better can be that opportunity we seek to address deeply rooted structural inequalities which must not be missed.”
Caroline Bernard, Director of Communications at Young Women’s Trust said:
“Many young women were already struggling to get by before the coronavirus crisis and our research has found that since then over 1.5 million have suffered a loss of income due to redundancy, furlough or being forced to juggle insecure work with caring responsibilities.
Yet despite the devastating impact on their lives, women have been neither seen nor heard by the government during the pandemic, which is why today’s powerful report from Fawcett Society is so important. We especially welcome the emphasis on a care-led recovery, and investment in an affordable, universal childcare system as we know that even before the pandemic half of young mums were unable to get or keep a job because of childcare costs.
If it wants to fulfil its pledge to build back better, we cannot return to things as they were before Covid. It is essential that the government give women access to the support they need by retaining the £20 uplift to Universal Credit, and extend this to other benefits such as Carer’s Allowance.”
Catherine Fookes, Director of WEN Wales said:
“The Covid-19 pandemic has had a grave impact on women and girls in Wales and the UK. The Build Back Better for Women and Girls document resonates with many of the key asks we have made at a devolved level in Wales. It is critical that the UK Government acts now to build back better for women and girls and ensure a care-led recovery from the pandemic that results in a stronger and fairer society for all.”
For further information, please contact:
Fawcett Society – Fresh Communication, 0117 369 0025
Nathalie Golden: / 07769 66 66 27
Lisa Sutherland: / 07801 97 99 87
This briefing sets out key issues confronting residential, domiciliary and unpaid care sectors in the midst of Covid-19.
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