Osborne’s recovery is an illusion, women still feel the pinch
Osborne's Autumn Financial Statement neglects women's struggles, lacks social service investment, exacerbates income inequality.
Media Coverage
Media Round-up for November 2019
Metro, ‘When women MPs are forced to quit to stay safe, all of us suffer’ Joint Letter , 1st November 2019
Financial Reporter, ‘Barriers to home ownership having a greater impact on women‘ by
Rozi Jones
The UK Women’s Budget Group estimates that at present women are the ‘household reference person’ in only 31% of cases where someone is buying with a mortgage.
The Independent, ‘Why we need to talk about what Brexit means for survivors of domestic abuse’ by Ellie Fry
In its 2018 report on funding for the women’s sector, the Women’s Budget Group said: “There is a widespread concern that leaving the EU and its funding programmes will increase the competition for national funding pots.” The group also warned that domestic violence increases in periods of economic crisis, meaning that women’s services could be in even more demand with less funding.
Guardian, ‘Single people are an electoral force in the US. Is the UK following suit?’ by Gaby Hinsliff
The median English home now costs eight times the salary of a single man on median male earnings, according to the Women’s Budget Group, and 12 times the salary of a single woman on median female earnings. More shockingly, it calculates that for a lone woman on median female earnings, no region in England is affordable to rent in the private market.
Metro, ‘When mothers have to choose between food and childcare, women are not being paid enough’ by Sophie Walker
‘The Women’s Budget Group and others have repeatedly pointed out that investment in care yields millions of jobs and higher tax revenues, while businesses with equal numbers of women in decision-making roles make bigger profits.’
Guardian, ‘Improving the lives of women and girls’, Joint Letter, 18th November 2019
The Independent, ‘Woman’s right groups urge all election candidates to pledge to tackle gender inequality’ by Maya Oppenheim
Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson, director of the UK Women’s Budget Group, argued there is a “myth” that women have managed to achieve equality but noted the facts demonstrate this is “far from true”.
She said: “Women still do more unpaid care work which means we earn less, own less and are more likely to be poor. But we can do things differently. That is why we have joined forces to set out the policies that women need at this election.”
OpenDemocracy, ‘We need to talk about the Institute for Fiscal Studies’ by John Weeks
Metro, ‘As the manifestos are released, remember that tax is a women’s issue’ by Dr Mary- Ann Stephenson
At Women’s Budget Group we think we need to think about tax in a different way – as a vital source of funding for public services like the NHS, schools and care, and for the social security system that any one of us may end up needing.
The Big Issue, ‘Women’s Budget Group demand social care and Universal Credit election fixes’ by Jenna Norman:
Political parties are not the only ones releasing manifestos for the upcoming elections. Charities and other campaigners are also unveiling their wishlist to policymakers before we head to the polls.
The Women’s Budget Group are no different. the collection of women’s and human rights organisations from around the UK – including the Fawcett Society, Women’s Aid and Equality Now – shine a light on the inequalities that women face and ask politicians to do better to change that reality.
Refinery29, ‘‘Sit Down & Shut Up’: Why Women In Politics Are Quitting At An Alarming Rate’ by Vicky Spratt
You can’t separate Brexit out from women’s issues; one is not more urgent than the other, because they are linked. As the Women’s Budget Group has pointed out, leaving the EU – particularly if we do so with no deal – will have a profound economic impact on women.
There are many reasons for this, the Women’s Budget Group says, not least because if the economy shrinks it will lead to job losses, particularly in sectors that are heavily dependent on trade with the EU. These include sectors such as clothing and textiles, which have a majority female workforce.
Osborne's Autumn Financial Statement neglects women's struggles, lacks social service investment, exacerbates income inequality.
The proposed Transferable Tax Allowance disproportionately benefits men, widens the income gap in married couples, and neglects the poorest families.
While physical infrastructure receives attention, there's a lack of focus on affordable housing, disproportionately affecting women.
Budget 2014: The government is taking money from women to fund tax breaks for men – new analysis from the Women’s Budget Group