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Open call to join Pool of Trainers (Gender-Responsive Budgeting)

Hiring: Trainers whom we can call on to deliver specific learning sessions on gender-responsive budgeting on a freelance basis.

Open call to join Pool of Trainers (Gender-Responsive Budgeting)

Global Partnerships and Learning programme

  • Membership of the WBG Global Partnerships and Learning Pool of Trainers (Gender-Responsive Budgeting)
  • Consultancy (on a freelance basis, when selected for a training opportunity)
  • Mostly home-based
  • International travel to training location if possible and required
  • June 2021 – June 2022
Application deadline
  • Rolling applications (but first training sessions to be delivered in summer 2021, so early applications are encouraged)
  • £500/day worked once selected for training opportunity (2-3 days max expected per opportunity

About the UK Women’s Budget Group

The UK Women’s Budget Group (WBG) is an independent network of academic researchers, policy experts and campaigners. Our vision for the future is of a caring economy that promotes gender equality. For over 30 years we have examined economic policy and asked, ‘who benefits?’

We produce robust analysis and aim to influence the people making policy. We also work to build the knowledge and confidence of others to talk about feminist economics by creating accessible resources and delivering training.

About the Global Partnerships and Learning programme

The Global Partnerships and Learning programme is a new endeavour of the UK WBG.  Through the programme, we are developing collaborative partnerships with civil society organisations around the world, focusing on gender-responsive budgeting and how it, as a tool, can be employed to achieve transformative outcomes. Drawing on our 30+ years of experience, we work with organisations to support them in engaging effectively in dialogue with their governments to develop policies and allocate resources in ways that improve the lives of women, with an emphasis on the most marginalised women.

We recognise that this work is also a huge learning opportunity for us, to understand what organisations in other parts of the world are working on and understand the contexts they are operating in. In this way, we strive to build networks of solidarity and closer relationships with other organisations imagining a feminist world.

How we work

As a small, feminist organisation based in the Global North, we understand that we occupy a place of power and privilege in a sector that has much anti-racism and decolonising work to do. As an organisation, we are committed to this process and have started our journey in doing this work. We understand our position in a global capitalist system that extracts and distributes wealth in a way that creates, perpetuates and reinforces severe inequalities and injustices. We also understand that women’s movements are diverse in their needs, aims and demands.

In this project, we seek to work based on principles of collaboration, flexibility, sustainability and solidarity.

Find out more here. 

About the pool of trainers

We are looking to build a pool of trainers whom we can call on to deliver specific learning sessions on gender-responsive budgeting on a freelance basis over the course of the Global Partnerships and Learning programme (June 2021 – June 2022).

The services and responsibilities of the trainers will vary depending on the needs and priorities of the organisations we are working with over the course of the programme.  A specific Terms of Reference for each learning session(s) will be issued to those with relevant experience from within the Pool of Trainers.

However, we expect basic responsibilities to be the following:

  • To work together with the UKWBG Global Partnerships and Learning programme team and partner organisations in preparing the learning session(s) and evaluating them afterwards
  • To run and facilitate the learning session(s), alongside a co-trainer where appropriate

Learning sessions will be conducted online in the first instance, with the potential for some in-person sessions as time passes and international travel resumes with fewer restrictions.


Applicants to the Pool of Trainers should meet the following requirements:


  • Experience of developing and delivering training on gender-responsive budgeting/feminist economics in group settings
  • Experience of delivering training with civil society organisations
  • Alignment with the ambition and the values of the programme outlined above
  • Commitment to social and economic justice, feminism and civic participation
  • Fluency in English


  • Experience of working internationally
  • Experience of training government officials
  • Knowledge of languages in addition to English


The daily rate for each freelance training opportunity is £500/day. We envision that each opportunity will take no more than 2-3 days of work, including pre- and post-session work.

Travel expenses and accommodation for face-to-face training will be covered.

How to apply

If you would like to be considered for the UKWBG Global Partnerships and Learning programme Pool of Trainers (Gender-Responsive Budgeting), please send your CV and a short letter of motivation outlining why you wish to join the Pool of Trainers and how you meet the requirements listed in section 6 to

We recognise that people from certain backgrounds are underrepresented in the spaces in which UKWBG works and we are committed to doing what we can to correct this. Applicants who are unsure if they meet the requirements of the role are encouraged to get in touch to discuss their suitability – please email and we will be more than happy to have a conversation.

We are recruiting trainers on a rolling basis. The first training sessions will be delivered in June 2021.

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