Aspects of the Economics of an Ageing Population
A March 2003 joint response from WBG & Fawcett Society to the House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs Call for Evidence.
Blog Post
OpenDemocracy publishes a new eBook outlining a new vision for Britain's economy
OpenDemocracy have published a free eBook outlining a new vision for Britain’s economy, including a chapter from Susun Himmelweit on ‘Transforming Care’ (Chapter 5).
New Thinking for the British Economy is available to download for free here.
One of the most significant shortcomings of GDP is its failure to adequately value care. An economy is only able to flourish if there are high quality education, health and care systems (both paid and unpaid ) to produce healthy, well -educated and well -cared for people. As Susan Himmelweit outlines in her chapter, our current care systems are beset by underfunding, low pay and poor working practices and stark gender inequalities. A new approach to care will invest the resources necessary to provide high quality care infrastructure; create good working conditions and professional standards in the care profession; and provide care and other forms of support free at the point of use via a new National Care Service.
A March 2003 joint response from WBG & Fawcett Society to the House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs Call for Evidence.
This briefing examines through a feminist lens how the UK’s trade policy agenda intersects with public health.
Latest ONS figures reveal that over a quarter of working-age women are economically inactive, compared to less than a fifth of men.
A briefing on monetary policy from the Women’s Budget Group