Gender Equal-Economy: We want to hear from CEOs and third sector leaders
Our Director, Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson, wants to hear from other charity leaders who would like to help to create policies for a gender-equal society.
Blog Post
Women’s Budget Group has carried out analysis on a wide range of policy which we will be using to raise awareness around the upcoming General Election
Women’s Budget Group has carried out analysis on a wide range of policy which we will be using to raise awareness around the upcoming General Election 2017.
See our election blog specials on Brexit, social care, and social security with more to come!
We’ve also set up a women’s campaign election microsite with other women’s organisations.
The other ten organisations involved are: Southall Black Sisters, 50:50 Parliament, the Fawcett Society, Girlguiding UK, Maternity Action, Rape Crisis England and Wales, Rosa, the Young Women’s Trust, the End Violence Against Women Coalition, and the Women’s Resource Centre.
What will leaving the EU mean for Women?
Women’s Budget Group have created shareable infographics on Brexit,Social Security and Social Care.
Along with the other infographics, they are intended as a resource for feminist activists in the run up to the general election. Retweet and share them on social media with the hashtag #ge2017forwomen.
Our Director, Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson, wants to hear from other charity leaders who would like to help to create policies for a gender-equal society.
WBG’s response to the Bank of England’s interest rate announcement.
Women’s Budget Group Pre-Budget Briefing, March 2012: Plan F, a feminist economic strategy to stimulate social and economic recovery.
We argue that the taxation of wealth can tackle gender inequality and raise public revenue to strengthen our social infrastructure.