WBG responds to PPI’s findings on Gender Pension Gap
WBG responds to the Pensions and Policy's latest findings on the gender pension gap.
Blog Post
The UN Special Rapporteur's report echoes longstanding concerns that austerity policies have exacerbated poverty, disproportionately affecting women.
Responding to the report of Phillip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty, Women’s Budget Group Director Mary-Ann Stephenson said:
Phillip Alston has highlighted what organisations working on poverty have been saying for years; austerity policies from successive governments have pushed families into poverty. Women, particularly BME women, disabled women and lone parents have been among the hardest hit.
Fourteen million people live in poverty in the UK, a fifth of the population. Of these, 4 million are more than 50% below the poverty line and 1.5 million are destitute, unable to afford even basic essentials.
As Alston pointed out, these outcomes are a ‘political choice’. Since 2010, austerity policies that will cut social security benefits by £35bn a year by the early 2020s have gone hand in hand with tax cuts that will cost the Treasury £47bn per year by 2021-22. These cuts have forced millions of people into poverty.
The UN report cited research carried out by the Women’s Budget Group together with the Runnymede Trust which showed that tax and benefit changes have hit the poorest hardest, women harder than men, and black and minority women hardest of all. We also found disabled lone mothers with a disabled child stand to lose over £10,000 a year on average, nearly a third of their income.
At the same time, local authorities have seen a 49% cut to their funding from central government, while demand for public services is rising. This has created a crisis in public services and hits women hardest because we use public services more than men, are more likely to work in the public sector and more likely to have to increase unpaid work when public services disappear.
As the UN report says, ‘it should shock the conscience that since 2011, life expectancy has stalled for women in the most deprived half of English communities, and actually fallen for women in the poorest 20 per cent of the population.’
We hope that his report will act as a much-needed spur to the government to take action. In order to tackle poverty, the Government should:
The Women’s Budget Group submission to the Special Rapporteur can be found here
The Women’s Budget Group report on the causes and consequences of women’s poverty can be found here
WBG responds to the Pensions and Policy's latest findings on the gender pension gap.
WBG and Gingerbread are calling on the Government to follow through with the promise to uprate benefits in line with inflation.
An open letter asking the UK government to support the negotiation of the UN framework convention on international tax cooperation.
The proposed Transferable Tax Allowance disproportionately benefits men, widens the income gap in married couples, and neglects the poorest families.