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Press Release

WBG response to ‘Plan for Change’ Speech

The WBG responds to the Prime Minister's 'Plan for Change' speech.

Responding to today’s speech by the Prime Minister, Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson, said:

“It is encouraging to hear the Prime Minister emphasise living standards in his ‘Plan for Change’ speech today, acknowledging that his number one mission—growing the economy—must translate into people across the UK genuinely feeling better off by the end of this Parliament.

“We know that women, particularly Black and minority ethnic women, single mothers and Disabled women, have borne the brunt of public service cuts and changes to benefits and taxes since 2010. Our analysis reveals that austerity measures have cost the poorest women over 20% of their standard of living, leaving many struggling to make ends meet.

“While the October Budget marked an important shift with increased public sector spending and investment, we are disappointed that the same commitment has not been extended to social security. Women, who carry the bulk of unpaid care work, disproportionately rely on social security. Investing in and reforming this system is therefore essential to securing women’s economic independence and a critical step toward tackling poverty and raising living standards.

“We welcome the focus on improving child development that was set out today by the Prime Minister under Labour’s fourth mission “Breaking down barriers to opportunity”. With the ‘milestone’ announced today to increase the proportion of five-year-olds reaching a good level of development from 67.7% to 75% the Government rightly puts an emphasis on outcomes achieved by children, rather than reducing the mission solely to the number of childcare places delivered. If the Government is to meet this aim, it needs to ensure that all children are able to access early education and childcare. At present, many children with SEND cannot access early years, and provision is limited for the poorest children whose parents are not in paid work.”



The milestones announced by the Prime Minister in his ‘Plan for Change’ speech:

  • Higher living standards in every part of the UK by the 2029.
  • Building 1.5million new homes over the course of this Parliament + 150 new major infrastructure projects.
  • Cutting NHS waiting lists: Routine operations within 18 weeks for 92% of patients by 2029.
  • An extra 13,000 neighbourhood police.
  • 75% of five-year-olds reaching a good level of development, up from 67.7% at present.
  • Decarbonising the electricity grid by 2030.