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Feminist Green New Deal

A Green and Caring Economy

Women and girls are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which amplify and interact with existing gender inequalities. And yet, policies to prevent and cope with the impacts of climate change rarely consider the gendered nature of these impacts.

The Feminist Green New Deal project set out to address this by building support for an intersectional Feminist Green New Deal in the UK. The two-year project  worked proactively with women’s organisations as well as those working on environmental, racial and social justice issues to understand and shape policies that can hep provide a clear roadmap to a sustainable and equal UK economy.

The accompanying video imagines a day in the life of a woman in the Green and Caring Economy we have set out in our report illustrating the interrelated solutions to inequality and the climate crisis.

The project has been a collaboration between Women’s Budget Group and WEN, the Women’s Environmental Network.


Final Report: A Green and Caring Economy

The current economic system has delivered the intersecting crises of climate, ecological breakdown and inequality. It has sought growth at any cost, and has treated the earth, nature and people carelessly in pursuit of profit. Women and other marginalised groups have both borne the brunt of this exploitation and are most vulnerable to a climate changing and increasingly unequal world. Responding to these crises requires redesigning the economy around care: caring for the earth and its ecosystems, caring for the people who currently inhabit it, and caring for future generations.


A Green and Caring Economy: Key Messages Guide

As part of our Feminist Green New Deal project, we found that people working or campaigning on the climate crisis rarely highlight how its impacts are shaped by gender inequality. At the same time, feminists working to end gender inequality don’t always know enough about what the climate crisis means for women and girls. This guide is for community groups, activists, campaigners and organisations working in either space. It is designed to help you identify and communicate the connections between these issues and help you argue for solutions that reflect the intersectional nature of both crises. It is based on existing research, new insights from our Feminist Green New Deal project and on lessons from our workshops with grassroots women’s organisations.

Key Message Guide

Seven policy papers towards a Feminist Green New Deal

Through the course of the project, we worked with experts internally and externally to develop policy papers in these key areas, which together informed the final report.

Recorded events

Several of the discussion and launch events that took place as part of this project were recorded. Click on the links to access the recordings.

Blogs from the Feminist Green New Deal project

Secondary Documents