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Autumn/Winter Webinar Series: Inequalities and Covid-19 – The COVID shock: Women and social security in 2020

The first in the Autumn/Winter webinar series, exploring the role of social security during the Pandemic in protecting different groups of women.

The COVID shock: Women and social security in 2020

was the first in the Autumn/Winter webinar series, and explored the role social security has played in the Covid-19 crisis in protecting different groups of women and their families from hardship. The webinar discussed how effective the current safety net and additional Universal Credit and Housing Benefit support has been to support people in this crisis, with a specific lens on how this has impacted women. 

We heard from Kim Macintosh (Child Poverty Action Group), Fazilet Hadi (Disability Rights UK), Lucy Bannister (Joseph Rowntree Foundation) and Fran Bennet (University of Oxford).

The recording of the event is available below:

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