Date: Friday 27th September 2019
Time: 14:00 – 15:30
Location: Committee room 3, Coventry City Council, Earl Street, Coventry, CV1 5RR
You can find the slides from the panel presentations here:
Coventry Haven Women’s Aid:
The Women’s Budget Group and the Women’s Housing Forum invite you to the launch of our latest report: ‘A House of Her Own: Housing and Women.’
The report includes new data which shows the crisis of housing affordability and homelessness for women.
Access the full report and executive summary here.
Housing is one of the most urgent public policy issues in the UK. Our housing system is in crisis and this is a gendered issue. In this ground-breaking report, the Women’s Budget Group demonstrates how the housing crisis is hitting women hardest: new data demonstrates the crisis of affordability and the knock on effect this is having on statutory homelessness, precarious or temporary housing, financial abuse and, violence against women and girls.
We believe this can change. Speakers will use the report to make recommendations for investment and collaborative work required across departments and sectors to allow all women to live affordably and free of abuse in homes of their own. Recommendations from this report will also feed into the Women’s Budget Group’s new Commission for a Gender-Equal Economy because affordable housing is part of our vision for a gender-equal economy.
We hope you will join us for this important event.
You can RSVP to the event here. For more information about the event contact us at