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Creating a caring economy: a call to action

The WBG invites you to join this webinar exploring the work of our Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy and the digital launch of its final report.

The Women’s Budget Group invites you to join this webinar, on Wednesday 30 September 10am-11.30am BST, exploring the work of our Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy and the digital launch of its final report.

The final report lands at a unique moment in global history. Reeling from the first wave of a deadly pandemic, perched on the precipice of a deep and brutal recession, there was never a better time to ask: do we really want to go back to business as usual?

The report lays out a roadmap to building a caring economy. Laying out the what, the why and the how, the report is a call to action. Working together, across the four nations of the UK, at every level, we can design and demand a new economy: an economy which has the wellbeing of individuals, communities and the planet at its centre; an economy which values care, both paid and unpaid, as the activities that nurture us all; an economy which ensures that no-one faces discrimination, violence, or poverty, and in which no-one is left – or pushed – behind. This new economy is a caring economy.

Join Chair of the Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy Diane Elson, report author and Project Manager Marion Sharples, and expert commissioners Zubaida Haque, Angela O’Hagan, Lynn Carvill, Duncan Fisher, and others, as they reflect on the final report of the Commission, and the impact of its recommendations. The discussion will be chaired by Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee.

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