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Labour Women’s Network event: The Feminist Case for a Care-led Recovery

Event with The Labour Women's Network: "Should 'build, build, build' have been 'care, care, care'? The feminist case for a care-led recovery"?

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that our system is out of kilter.  We are in the midst of a global pandemic and possible second lockdown in Britain, a climate emergency and racial injustice by those who should protect us. Yet is feels like business, profit and greed comes before a caring, more equal society – is it time to look at a new way for both people and planet.

The final report from the UK Women’s Budget Group Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy is a call to action for a caring economy.  It is a blueprint for a world where work and care can be shared harmoniously, where the economy is measured by wellbeing and sustainability and, where all people achieve substantive equality. Working together, across the four nations of the UK, at every level, we can design and demand a new economy: an economy which has the wellbeing of individuals, communities and the planet at its centre; an economy which values care, both paid and unpaid, as the activities that nurture us all; an economy which ensures that no-one faces discrimination, violence, or poverty, and in which no-one is left – or pushed – behind. This new economy is a caring economy.

  • Abena Oppong-Asare MP, Chair of LWN and PPS to Shadow Chancellor
  • Professor Susan Himmelweit, Commissioner on the Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy, UK Women’s Budget Group
  • Alison Garnham, Director of the Child Poverty Action Group and, a Commissioner on the Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy
  • Julia Waltham, Head of Policy and Influencing at Working Families
  • Councillor Bisi Osundeko, Business woman and Founder of a charity for families with disabled children
  • A representative from Unison, the Public Service Union
  • **Marsha De Cordova MP, Shadow Minister Women’s and Equality (TBC)**

Register here. This event is free but registration is mandatory.

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