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Party Conference fringe events: Not your average voter? How women will shape the next general election

Insight into our recent polling with YouGov exploring the pressing issues that truly motivate women’s voting intentions.

Join WBG at our Party Conference fringe events.

In the run-up to general elections, the ‘women’s vote’ is often portrayed as a niche subgroup of voters. However, women constitute over half of the electorate and are far from a homogeneous group. So why do political parties overlook the power of women’s votes and fail to tailor their campaign strategies accordingly?

Join us at both Conservative and Labour Party Conferences to gain an insight into our recent polling with YouGov exploring the pressing issues that truly motivate women’s voting intentions: from childcare and the cost of living crisis to employment rights and healthcare. Join our panel of expert speakers from across sectors and the political spectrum to delve into how the political parties could significantly shape the outcome of the next general election by shifting their attitudes towards the ‘women’s vote’.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain invaluable expert insights and contribute to the dialogue surrounding women’s voting power.

These events are only accessible to Conference Pass holders and don’t require registration.

Labour Party Conference:

  • Date: Tuesday 10th October 2023
  • Time: 10:30-11:30
  • Location: Leonardo’s Hotel (31 Keel Wharf, Liverpool L3 4FN), Meeting Room 7, ID – 14988

We have only limited seating for this event, we recommend to get there early.


  • Labour MP, tbc
  • Mary-Ann Stephenson, Director, Women’s Budget Group (Chair)
  • Zubaida Haque, Interim Deputy Director & Head of Policy and Research, Women’s Budget group
  • Lucy Rigby, Labour candidate, Northampton North
  • Victoria Benson, CEO, Gingerbread
  • Alba Kapoor, Head of Policy, Runnymede Trust
  • Tina Mckenzie, Policy & Advocacy Chair, Federation of Small Businesses

Read WBG’s full election polling briefing

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