These pages give examples of ways in which WBG has done this.
Communicating the analysis
These pages give examples of ways in which WBG has done this.
The aim of gender responsive budgeting is not simply to analyse policy but to change it. Making change happen involves working with decision makers at all levels, involving civil society and communicating your messages through the media.
Communicating the analysis
National Government
These pages set out some of the different forms that our work has taken and the lessons we have learned.
Devolved government
Governments at different levels, including at autonomous regional or sub-national level, are legitimate arenas for gender responsive budgeting.
Local Government
Understanding how to engage with local government to advance gender equality and women’s well-being.
Using the media
Good communications are essential if research and analysis are to have an influence.
Working with other civil society groups
This section draws on case studies and discussions with people working on gender budgeting projects to highlight some key issues and lessons learned.