What gender budget analysis can show
These pages give examples of WBG analysis in different policy areas and highlight some of the main gender issues to consider in each area.
Gender Responsive Budgeting involves analysing both how money is raised, (for example through taxation), and how money is spent (for example on public services, social security or investment in infrastructure).
These pages give examples of WBG analysis in different policy areas and highlight some of the main gender issues to consider in each area. They cover:
What gender budget analysis can show
A fair tax system is critical to ensuring gender equality and tackling poverty.
Social Security
Social security is a fundamental part of a caring economy. In this page we narrow our focus to social security cash transfers.
Public Services
Women tend to make more use of public services because of their greater responsibilities for unpaid care and lower incomes
Cumulative impact analysis
The effect of some individual measures may be small, but taken together the cumulative impact may be substantial.
Public investment in social infrastructure
Social infrastructure includes all the services that provide health care, education, longterm care and childcare.
Next in the series
Communicating the analysis
These pages give examples of ways in which WBG has done this.
Lessons learned
These pages share several important factors that lead to changes in government policy or law.
Key challenges and questions
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions – what you do will depend on the context you are in.
Useful resources for carrying out GRB