Department for Business and Trade Consultation
Our response to the consultation on the Application of Zero Hours Contracts Measures to Agency Workers
WBG briefings, reports, budget assessments and consultation responses
For all our publications, use the search function below or explore the topic pages.
Our response to the consultation on the Application of Zero Hours Contracts Measures to Agency Workers
WBG’s Consultation Response to the Industrial Strategy White Paper
Our response to the Statutory Sick pay consultation
We support an open letter to demand action to address labour market inequality
NI WBG Autumn Budget Analysis
Read the Scottish WBG Autumn Budget Analysis
Read the Wales Women's Budget Group Autumn Budget Analysis
Read our full analysis of the budget and implications for women
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Showing 1 – 10 of 37
WBG’s Consultation Response to the Industrial Strategy White Paper
We have responded to the Department for Health and Social Care consultation
A briefing on reforming our social care system and reducing gender inequalities
Our new report sheds light on the impact of 14 years of austerity on women
WBG supports an open letter calling on the Chancellor to urgently review the change to the Winter Fuel Payment for older people
WBG has signed an open letter to call upon the new Government to prioritise women’s reproductive healthcare
We have responded to the Green Paper on the future of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) which replaced the Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
WBG is happy to support this open letter calling for decent pensions for all, and sustainable thriving economy
This briefing covers the crisis in social care and the urgent reforms needed now.
This briefing covers funding for specialist services for victim/survivors of violence against women and girls.
See the Royal Commission on Long Term Care recommendation that assessments for care should be ‘carer blind’ (1999).
Devereux, E. (2 May 2024) Concern over 83% decline health and social care visa applications. Nursing Times.
Comptroller and Auditor General (2021) The Adult Social Care Market in England, NAO HC1244, 2019-21, p36, paragraph 2.18.
WBG (2024) Local government and gender: Briefing for a new government
The Health Foundation (1 May 2024) What do worsening health inequalities mean for the NHS?
Carers UK (2023) Higher proportion of unpaid carers in the most deprived areas of England and Wales (press release)
HM Treasury (2014) Country fiche on pensions.
ONS (13 February 2023) Unpaid care by age, sex and deprivation. England and Wales: Census 2021
Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (2022) COVID 19 and Occupational impacts CP740.
M. Petrillo and M. Bennett (2023) Valuing Carers: England and Wales 2021, p14. Carers UK and Centre for Care.
J. Elgot (2024) Reeves to appoint Covid corruption tsar to claw back billions of waste. The Guardian.
A. Harrop (2023) A national care service for all. Fabian Society.
Women’s Budget Group and New Economics Foundation (2022) Universal Quality Social Care: Transforming adult social care in England
Health matters: reproductive health and pregnancy planning – GOV.UK (; Women from poorer backgrounds three times more likely to have abortions (The Guardian)
Office for National Statistics release England and Wales conception data for under-18s; Q1-Q2-2024 | FSRH
Abortion statistics for England and Wales: January to June 2022 – GOV.UK (
Cervical Screening Programme – Coverage Statistics (NHS)
Reducing women’s health inequalities in the most-deprived areas (The King’s Fund)
Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care: Lessons learned to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths and Morbidity 2019–21 (MBRACE UK)
Extending Public Health England’s contraception return on investment tool: Maternity and primary care settings (PHE)
Common Wealth, “Undefined Benefit: Fixing the UK Pensions System”, 2023. Available here.
Make My Money Matter, “Fossil Fuels in UK Pensions: An analysis of Fossil Fuel exposure in UK Pension Funds”, 2023. Available here.
Brett Christophers, “The dangers of asset managers when it comes to long-term infrastructure”, The Financial Times, 17/04/23. Available here. For more extensive detail see Christophers, Our Lives in Their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers Own The World, Verso: 2023.