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UK Policy Briefing

2020 WBG Briefing: Equality Impact Assessments

Background briefing from the UK Women’s Budget Group on equality impact assessments and the Public Sector Equality Duty.

Key Points

  • Women still face structural inequality throughout their lives. Inequality based on gender intersects with other structures of inequality including class, race and disability.
  • This means that policy impacts differently on women and men, and on different groups of women and men.
  • Equality Impact Assessments are a way to ensure that policy makers take account of these different impacts when developing policy.
  • Meaningful equality impact assessments should consider cumulative impact, intersectional impact, the impact on individuals as well as households, impact over a lifetime and the impact on unpaid care.
  • They should be based on evidence and consultation with those most likely to be affected by policy.
  • The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requires public bodies to have ‘due regard’ to equality in all aspects of their work. Equality Impact Assessments are a way to ensure public bodies have met their legal obligations under the PSED.
  • Despite the obligations of the PSED, WBG has observed a pattern of poor-quality impact assessments by Government departments and, in some cases, a failure to carry out impact assessments at all.

WBG is calling on the Government to carry out and publish meaningful equality impact assessments.

View and download our full briefing here.

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