Transforming Care
OpenDemocracy publishes a new eBook outlining a new vision for Britain's economy
Consultation Response
A March 2003 joint response from WBG & Fawcett Society to the House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs Call for Evidence.
The current British pension system, including state and private pensions, is grossly inadequate for most women. Designed on a post War male breadwinner and female carer model it does not meet women’s needs or take account of their different life experiences. We argue therefore that the British pension system is due for a radical overhaul for as long as pension acquisition continues to depend on full- time, continuous, well paid work, it cannot meet the needs of women.
OpenDemocracy publishes a new eBook outlining a new vision for Britain's economy
Investment in care could create 2.7 times as many jobs as if invested in construction. Care jobs are also imperative to tackling climate change.
Changing the fiscal rules to allow for an increase in public investment would be a welcome move from the Chancellor.
This report explores the crisis that has been created by finding cuts to local government since 2010.