Government’s roadmap to gender equality need to be paved with more than just good intentions.
WBG Director Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson responds to the launch of the Government Equalities Office roadmap on gender equality.
In this report, the Women’s Budget Group considers key trends and challenges associated with the rise in female self-employment.
The rise in self-employment is one of the defining trends in the UK labour market since the financial crisis and economic recession. Self-employment in the UK is at the highest point since records began 40 years ago[1], with the number of self-employed increasing by 650,000 since 2008 to reach 4.5 million.
Self-employed women are the majority of the newly self-employed. The increase in the number of women in the UK becoming self-employed is unprecedented. Historically, women have made up just over a quarter of the self-employed, but since the 2008 downturn 58% of the newly self-employed have been female. The rise in female self-employment is likely to be more than a recessionary ‘blip’.
In this report, the Women’s Budget Group considers key trends and challenges associated with the rise in female self-employment and sets out a series of policy recommendations to address these.
WBG Director Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson responds to the launch of the Government Equalities Office roadmap on gender equality.
WBG responds to the Pensions and Policy's latest findings on the gender pension gap.
Less work is good for equality as well as the environment, according to a new report by the Women’s Budget Group.
A new report launched today shows that investing public funds in childcare and elder care services is a worthwhile investment