Spring Budget 2023: Social security and gender
A pre-budget briefing on 'Social Security and Gender' from the UK Women’s Budget Group – Spring 2023
UK Policy Briefing
Our series of briefings on the gender impact of policy in 12 distinct areas ahead of the Autumn Budget 2017.
• State pensions in the UK have been among the lowest in the OECD, nearly £40 per week less than the threshold of eligibility for the means-tested Pension Credit.
• The new Single Tier Pension is only just above the single rate of Pension Credit if paid in full, but women are less likely than men to have the required 35 years of contributions or credits.
• A tax-funded Citizens Pension, payable to each pensioner at a level similar to the Minimum Income Standard, would be a better way to ensure women have a basic independent income in retirement.
• Private pension schemes, promoted and subsidised by UK governments, are the main reason for the gender gap in pensions, placing women at a disadvantage due to their domestic roles and lower pay.
• Auto-enrolled private pensions, while including all employees, exclude the low paid and, like other private pensions, make no allowance for periods of caring, hence perpetuating the gender gap in pensions.
• We conclude that a Voluntary Earnings-related State Pension Addition (VESPA) – an auto-enrolled option that is fully portable and allows carer credits – would better meet women’s need for extra pension saving.
A pre-budget briefing on 'Social Security and Gender' from the UK Women’s Budget Group – Spring 2023
Ahead of the 2017 Spring Budget, the UK WBG has written a briefing on the impact of cuts to social security benefits on women since 2010.
This briefing was updated following the 2018 Autumn Budget to reflect the changes announced by the Chancellor on changes to social security benefits.
A pre-budget briefing on 'Taxation and Gender' from the UK Women’s Budget Group – Spring 2022