The climate emergency is here: We must make our housing policy greener too
GHG emissions for housing contribute 22% of the UK’s carbon footprint. It’s time our housing policy recognised this, says Anna Johnston from the WBG.
UK Policy Briefing
Feminist Green New Deal Policy Paper
Housing is fundamental to life, security and wellbeing as well as tackling climate change and working towards a zero-carbon future. It also remains a key site of gender and intersectional inequality, with design that does not accommodate diverse needs or care responsibilities, with mortgages and rents out of reach, and a suburban ideal that requires a car for daily living and can isolate women and children in the home. Housing investment as a central part of a Green New Deal (GND) —with a commitment to full funding from central government to ensure costs are never passed on to residents or local communities— would open up an incredible opportunity to centre a new vision of equality and care capable of transforming both landscapes and lives. It would also acknowledge and begin to address the connections between climate crisis and housing crisis, reducing housing’s contribution to the UK’s carbon footprint even as it reverses the rise of homelessness and houses the estimated 8 million people are in housing need.
This paper offers seven recommendations to achieve a gender inclusive and sustainable housing sector:
Read the full policy paper here.
The Feminist Green New Deal is bringing a gendered and intersectional approach/perspective to the Green economy/Green Recovery – ensuring that the voices of women, people of colour and other marginalised groups are heard during environmental and political debates.
Through a programme of nationwide grassroots workshops and policy roundtables a Feminist Green New Deal Manifesto will be created and launched at COP26 Glasgow Climate Talks.
This Project is a collaboration between Wen (Women’s Environmental Network) and the Women’s Budget Group (WBG).
GHG emissions for housing contribute 22% of the UK’s carbon footprint. It’s time our housing policy recognised this, says Anna Johnston from the WBG.
This webinar marked the launch of the third policy paper Revitalising Local Communities as part of our Feminist Green New Deal project.
The UK Women’s Budget has responded to the Green Paper on Transforming Public Procurement, focusing on public procurement and tax transparency.
This blog is by Anna Johnston, Research and Policy Officer at the Women’s Budget Group.