2017 Pre-Budget Briefing: Violence Against Women and Girls
Our series of briefings on the gender impact of policy in 12 distinct areas ahead of the Autumn Budget 2017.
Consultation Response
Ahead of the March 2020 Budget, the Women's Budget Group has made recommendations for investment.
Ahead of the Budget in March 2020, the Women’s Budget Group has made recommendations for investment in social infrastructure including universal free childcare, adult social care, local government services and, Universal Credit reform.
You can read our submission here.
You can read more information on HM Treasury budget consultation here.
Our series of briefings on the gender impact of policy in 12 distinct areas ahead of the Autumn Budget 2017.
Equality Impact Assessments can improve decision-making and and show if public bodies have considered equality
WBG response to findings of UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty
Ahead of the 2018 Autumn Budget, we’ve put together a briefing on the state of maternity, paternity and parental leave in the UK.