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UK Policy Briefing

Towards Gender Inclusive and Sustainable Transport Systems

Feminist Green New Deal Policy Paper

Tiffany Lam

UK Feminist Green New Deal Policy Papers


To decarbonise transport and democratise the right to safe mobility, our transport systems must be inclusive and sustainable. This paper discusses four key structural factors that create gender disparities in transport systems and must be addressed to decarbonise transport in a just and inclusive way: access to economic resources and free time, car-centric policy and planning, safety and accessibility, and the technocratic paradigm in transport.

This paper offers nine recommendations to achieve gender inclusive and sustainable transport systems:

• Collect gender-disaggregated data.
• Adopt gender-responsive budgeting.
• Increase gender-responsive participatory planning.
• Strengthen bus networks.
• Prioritise active travel for care-related and local journeys to key services.
• Conduct gender safety audits and accessibility audits.
• Invest in bystander intervention training.
• Explicitly prioritise gender equity and inclusion and conduct Equality Impact Assessments.
• Invest in mentoring programmes to diversify the transport sector.

Read the full policy paper here.

About the Feminist Green New Deal project

The Feminist Green New Deal is bringing a gendered and intersectional approach/perspective to the Green economy/Green Recovery – ensuring that the voices of women, people of colour and other marginalised groups are heard during environmental and political debates.

Through a programme of nationwide grassroots workshops and policy roundtables a Feminist Green New Deal Manifesto will be created and launched at COP26 Glasgow Climate Talks.

This Project is a collaboration between Wen (Women’s Environmental Network) and the Women’s Budget Group (WBG).

Learn more about the project here.

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