Background briefing: Social Security
Ahead of the 2017 Spring Budget, the UK WBG has written a briefing on the impact of cuts to social security benefits on women since 2010.
UK Policy Briefing
This briefing explains why it is important to publish an up to date assessment of the impact of Universal Credit (UC) on women.
This briefing explains why it is important to publish an up to date assessment of the impact of Universal Credit (UC) on women, particularly Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority (BAME) women and disabled women. It calls on the DWP to undertake a comprehensive Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) as part of the ‘managed migration’ pilot.
In 2013, UC replaced six means-tested benefits and tax credits with one single monthly means-tested payment. It is being rolled out across the country in stages. In 2019, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is preparing for ‘managed migration’: the transfer of all remaining recipients of these ‘legacy’ payments on to UC.
Ahead of the 2017 Spring Budget, the UK WBG has written a briefing on the impact of cuts to social security benefits on women since 2010.
This briefing was updated following the 2018 Autumn Budget to reflect the changes announced by the Chancellor on changes to social security benefits.
Low-income black and Asian women bear the brunt of austerity, facing disproportionate losses in income due to tax and benefit changes.
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