A Care-Led Recovery from Coronavirus
The case for investment in care as a better post-pandemic economic stimulus than investment in construction.
UK Policy Briefing
WBGs response to Government plans for funding for social care, including recommended reforms on taxes on wealth and income from wealth.
The crisis in social care is urgent, there are currently 1.5 million people with unmet care needs in the UK. Addressing this requires immediate action, whatever the longer-term settlement. Care should be recognised as a form of social infrastructure, for which the Government can borrow to invest, as it does to invest in physical infrastructure.
Investing in care benefits everyone in society. The cost of social care needs to be shared across society in a progressive way so that those who can pay more, contribute more. The costs of social care should not fall on those who need care or on those groups most likely to need care. Whilst the UK WBG welcomes the Government’s current proposals, we believe that there is a fairer way to fund social care.
Read our full response to the Governments plans for funding Social Care.
The case for investment in care as a better post-pandemic economic stimulus than investment in construction.
A Pre Budget briefing from the UK Women’s Budget Group on 'Health inequalities and Covid-19' - Spring 2021
WBG Director, Dr. Mary-Ann Stephenson calls for urgent, sustainable social care reform to address long-standing neglect and gender inequality.
This briefing sets out the immediate impact that Covid-19 crisis is having on different groups of women and makes recommendations for action.