New research shows Universal Credit failing the ‘just about managing’
New research shows Universal Credit failing the ‘just about managing’: with women and BME households hardest hit.
Consultation Response
The Women’s Budget Group submitted a consulation response to the Work and Pensions Select Committee on Statutory Sick Pay.
The Women’s Budget Group submitted a consulation response to the Work and Pensions Select Committee on Statutory Sick Pay.
New research shows Universal Credit failing the ‘just about managing’: with women and BME households hardest hit.
The WBG responds to the governments proposals in the DTI's consultation document “Work and Families: Choice and Flexibility”.
Low-income black and Asian women bear the brunt of austerity, facing disproportionate losses in income due to tax and benefit changes.
The Women’s Budget Group are pleased to have submitted the following responses to the Labour Party’s National Policy Forum.