The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on young women on low incomes
This briefing explores the impact of the pandemic, and what life is really like, for young women in low-income households.
WBG analysis of the impact of the pandemic on gender equality
The coronavirus pandemic brought much to light.
When faced with crisis, care and kindness come to the fore. Almost overnight, people flocked to their doorsteps to clap for carers, to check in with vulnerable neighbors and to pin up pictures of NHS rainbows. Our interconnections and dependence on one another had never been clearer.
The key workers that kept us going were low-paid carers, nurses, shelf-stackers, cleaners and delivery drivers. Key workers who had been branded ‘unskilled’ earlier in the year were heralded as heroes.
Government intervention is possible, and powerful. When confronted by the pandemic, governments across the four nations chose to put people’s health first. The introduction of widespread restrictions massively reduced economic output but sought to ensure people would be safe; and borrowing to fund the furlough scheme kept up many people’s incomes even if we had to stay at home.
Crises do not impact everyone equally. While we may all have been weathering the same storm, we are in drastically different boats. The virus hit the most disadvantaged the hardest.
The Government’s measures in response to Covid-19 exacerbated pre-existing inequalities and created new ones that have disproportionately impacted women. Structural inequality is embedded in our society, and it requires bold, concerted action to eliminate it.
This briefing explores the impact of the pandemic, and what life is really like, for young women in low-income households.
This joint report explores how the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed how deep-rooted gender inequality is within our society.
One year into the coronavirus pandemic, we asked respondents across the UK to reflect on whether the Government’s response met their needs.
This report focuses on the gendered financial impact of the lockdown efforts on the experiences of parents.
This report outlines the lessons from 2020 and the recommendations for policymakers aiming to enhance their pandemic response and mitigate its impact.
Explore the challenges facing women in 2021 amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, including key lessons and policy recommendations.
This research sets out the experiences of parents at the height of lockdown.
This report explores the key gendered impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on women in the UK, with a focus on the city of Coventry.
Join us for the launch of the findings of three new research projects on the impact of Covid-19 on working lives.
This webinar was part of a series hosted by the UK Women’s Budget Group addressing the most pressing issues facing women across the UK today.
The Women’s Budget Group submitted written evidence to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry in November 2022.
The Women’s Budget Group submitted a response to the Treasury Committee Inquiry on Jobs, growth, and productivity after coronavirus in May 2021.
The Women’s Budget Group and Just Fair have submitted a response to the Treasury Select Committee Inquiry on an Equal Recovery in July 2021.
The UK Women’s Budget Group has made a submission to the House of Lords Economic Affairs inquiry into Employment and Covid-19.
The UK Women’s Budget Group has made a submission to the Treasury Select Committee inquiry into Tax after coronavirus.
Ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) 2020, the UK Women’s Budget Group has submitted our representation to HM Treasury.
The UK WBG has made a submission to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) inquiry on post-pandemic economic growth.
The UK Women’s Budget Group has made a submission to the House of Lords Covid-19 Committee into Life Beyond Covid.
Vulnerabilities faced by the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector, particularly exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Blog post about the Feminist Green New Deal and why it is needed now.
Minimum Income Guarantee proposals as an alternative to Universal Basic Income? Means-tested implications and gender equality concerns.
We analyse the latest ONS data on the changes to the labour market for the latest three months to February 2021 from a gender perspective.
This funding will help us to explore policies that can address the ongoing unequal economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Leading women’s organizations unite, urging PM to address pandemic-exposed gender inequalities. Ten-point plan seeks fairer recovery for all women.
The availability and affordability crisis in childcare is being exacerbated by the pandemic and subsequent childcare closures.
Investment in care could create 2.7 times as many jobs as if invested in construction. Care jobs are also imperative to tackling climate change.